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Known challenges

The fundamental challenge for an Ethereum debugging data format is that, on the one hand, we want it to be able to handle the complexity of Solidity and other existing EVM languages; but also, we wish to handle these in a suitably general manner rather than simply assuming this complexity, so that it may handle other languages in the future; but also, we want to keep down the complexity of the format itself if possible.

In what follows we'll outline some particular thorns of the EVM in general and Solidity and Vyper in particular that will have to be addressed. This is not necessarily a complete list.

Different data formats per location

Any debugging data format will need to handle the fact that in both Solidity and in Vyper the same type can have different representations depending on which location (the stack, memory, storage, calldata, or code) it is stored in. As such it does not suffice to give a single representation for a single type, but rather, it may be necessary to specify multiple representations, corresponding to the different data locations.

The word-based nature of storage and the stack

Of the data locations mentioned above, most are byte-based, but two, the stack and storage, are word-based. This will likely necessitate slightly different handling for them.

Moreover, the fact that these two locations are word-based means there can be a need to specify endianness. For instance, in Solidity, arrays may pack multiple elements into the same storage word, starting from the low byte. However, segments of strings in storage start at the high byte of their word. So it will be necessary to have a way to specify this. (In particular, consider the case of a bytes2[] storage; each bytes2 is packed into the word in a little-endian order, but each bytes2 itself is stored in a big-endian order.)

(Of course, there can also be a need to specify endianness in byte-based locations, e.g. for storage of integers. Currently all EVM languages known to me do this in a big-endian fashion, because this is what the EVM makes convenient. It may be OK to assume that integers are big-endian, but the reverse possibility is at least worth noting.)

Complex stride patterns

In most languages, elements of an array are stored consecutively to one another. However, this is not always the case, and so the DWARF debugging data format allows one to distinguish between the lengths of the array elements and the lengths of the array stride; this allows one to handle, say, the case of an array whose elements are 2 bytes long but which each only begin on 8-byte boundaries.

However, this simple notion of stride length is not sufficient for handling Solidity's storage arrays, whose stride patterns can be more complex. Solidity allows for multiple elements in an array to be packed into a word, without filling the whole word. If we for a moment ignore the word-based nature of storage and instead think of it as byte-based in a little-endian fashion, Solidity allows for patterns like "15 bytes for one element, 15 bytes for the next element, 2 bytes of empty space, repeat", which can't be expressed with a simple stride length.

As such it may be necessary to provide a way to specify more complex stride patterns (or packing patterns, as that's really what these are).

The use of hash-based locations

Storage slots in both Solidity and Vyper are often assigned based on the Keccak hash of various things; e.g., in a dynamically-sized array in Solidity, if the length is stored at a slot p, the elements are stored beginning at keccak(p).

The format needs some way to be able to specify this. This also raises the question of whether we should allow for other hash functions. Other hash functions are unlikely to be used due to the EVM making keccak much more convenient than other hashes, but it may not be the only possibility as there are precompiles for both SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160.

Solidity's two-case string storage

Solidity, when storing strings in storage, uses a two-case format, with one case for if it's 31 bytes or shorter, and another case for 32 bytes or longer.

In order to handle this, it may be necessary to have a notion of union representations, somewhat similar to the notion of union types?


Both Solidity and Vyper use mappings, and while these work similarly in both languages, the two aren't the same. It will be necessary to handle both styles, and ideally other potential styles as well.

In both languages, given a mapping at position p and a key k, the value corresponding to k is stored at a location determined by the Keccak hash of a combination of p and k. But the details differ both by the language, and whether we are looking at a value type that fits into a word, or whether we are looking at a string or bytestring.

Solidity always performs the computation keccak(k.p), where the . represents concatenation. However, for value types the key is padded to a full word, while for a string or bytestring, no padding is used.

Vyper is similar, but differs in two ways. For value types, the computation is instead keccak(p.k), with the concatenands in the other order; note that k is still padded. Meanwhile, for strings and bytestrings, the computation is instead keccak(p.keccak(k)) (again with no padding on k). There will need to be a way to specify this additional complexity.

Markings for mapping keys

The problem of keeping track of mapping keys is worth discussing separately.

Mappings do not keep track of their keys; as such, it is up to the debugger to keep track of mapping keys touched in a given transaction. This will require some kind of markings.

Truffle Debugger currently handles this by using the AST and determining what value on the stack corresponds to the key specified for a given mapping access. However, this process is complex and requires several workarounds for unusual cases. While presumably markings could be devised that allow this process to work in more generality, it's not clear that it's actually a good solution.

An alternate approach, suggested some time ago by Nomic Labs, would be to have markings applied to the SHA3 instructions that hash key/slot combinations. However, in the case of Vyper, for strings and bytestrings, one would presumably also need to separately (and differently) mark the SHA3 instruction where the string or bytestring is pre-hashed, prior to the main hashing.

The use of pointers in or to calldata

In Solidity's ABI encoding format (used also by Vyper), which is necessarily used for variables stored in calldata, pointers are relative. However, they are not relative to their own location, but rather relative to the start of the structure containing them. There will need to be some way to handle this.

Moreover, for types in Solidity with a variable number of elements (including strings and bytestrings), pointers on the stack to that type in calldata do not point to the beginning of the calldata representation (which would start with the length), but rather have both a start word and a length word, with the start word pointing just past where the length is stored (to the beginning of the actual contents). It will be necessary to handle this as well.

Internal function pointers

Solidity includes internal function types, which have several associated challenges.

Firstly, there are two different formats for these (depending on whether or not viaIR was set in compilation), so it will be necessary to handle both.

Secondly, the format with viaIR turned on relies on assigning functions to arbitrary numeric indices, so the format will have to include information mapping indices to functions.

Thirdly, in the format with viaIR turned off, an internal function pointer actually breaks down into one PC value for the deployed code and one PC value for the constructor code (although the latter is not always set and is sometimes left as zero). So there will need to be a way to specify this complexity.

Moreover, an internal function pointer can point to a designated revert function introduced by the compiler rather than defined by the user; it will be necessary to handle this case.

Lack of fixed variable locations on the stack

In languages that put variables on the stack, those variables may not have a fixed location. (For instance, Solidity with optimization turned on.) There will need to be a way to keep track of variables that move around on the stack.

The possibility of handling other languages

This is something of a reiteration of the initial point, but it would be ideal to be able to handle features that we may expect to see in other languages even if they do not appear in Solidity or Vyper.

For instance, the (now-defunct) EVM language Pyramid was (largely) dynamically typed, making each variable effectively a sum type. Sum types are an example of a feature we may want to be able to handle even if not present in either Solidity or Vyper.