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Expression syntax

Pointer expressions operate on the domain of bytes representing unsigned integers.

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Literal values

An expression can be a literal value.

Literal values must be represented either as JSON numbers or as 0x-prefixed hexadecimal strings. Hexadecimal strings always represent a literal string of bytes.

For convenience, this schema does not restrict hexadecimal string representations to those that specify an even-number of digits (i.e., those that specify complete byte pairs); odd numbers of hexadecimal digits are fine.

Hexadecimal string representations may omit leading zeroes; values are assumed to be left-padded to the bytes width appropriate for the context.

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An expression can be a string value equal to the identifier for a known scalar variable introduced by some pointer representation.

For an example where scalar variables may appear, see the List collection schema.

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Arithmetic operations

An expression can be an object of the form { <op>: [...] }, where <op> denotes an arithmetic operation.

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Lookup region definition

An expression can reference properties defined for a particular region, such as another region's "offset" or "length". Such expressions resolve to the same value as the expression specified for that corresponding property.

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Reading from the EVM

An expression can be an object of the form { "$read": "<region>" }, where <region> references a particular region defined in some root pointer.

The value of such an expression is the concatenation of bytes present in the running machine state that correspond to the bytes addressed by the referenced region.

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Keccak256 hashes

An expression can be an object of form { "$keccak256": [...] }, indicating that the value of the expression is a Solidity-style, tightly-packed keccak256 hash of the concatenation of bytes specified by the list.

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Resize operations

In certain situations, e.g. keccak256 hashes, it's crucially important to be able to express the bytes width of particular expression values. This schema provides primitives to allow specifying an explicit bytes width for a particular sub-expression.

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Region references

Regions can be referenced either by name (which must be a defined region), or by use of the literal string value "$this" (which indicates that the referenced region is the region containing the expression itself).

In cases where an expression is used outside the context of a particular region definition, the use of "$this" is prohibited.

Individual properties may not be defined with any reference to themselves. Properties also may not be defined in terms of mutual reference to each other. (Don't make this harder than it has to be.)

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